Tuesday, January 10, 2012

8 Tips On Catching Someone In A Lie: Tip #3

In a 1996 University of Virginia study lead by Bella DePaulo they recorded a daily log of people age 18 to 71 in the amount of lies they told in a single day. For the 147 participants the average amount of lies they told were just over ten times a day. Of course in the study many of the lies were times where people were trying to be nice. Someone perhaps with a new haircut that looked "good". These types of lies outnumbered the outright denial of truth approximately 15 to 1. This still does not hide the fact that of the 147 participants only seven people could say they were completely honest.

So with this amount of lying going on how do you catch someone in a lie? In these next few blogs we will cover 8 different tips that you can key in on to catch someone in a lie. Now there is no perfect way of discovering if the person across from you is lying to your face or not. Even the polygraph (Lie Detector) only works about 80% of the time. The skilled liars may not "bat an eyelash" in a lie but for most of us there are certain things that give us away.

Tip#3 Way To Much Information
When subjects were asked about a specific instance that did not occur the response of a twisted mind does curious things. We all love stories and we get this from our innate ability to want to share our experiences. There are two things to look for that can lead you to telling if the story is the truth or if the story they are telling you is fictional. The first thing to look for is  when the story seems to ramble on and on and gives needless details. When making up a story to get yourself out of trouble people tend to craft a wonderful web of lies to support the original lie. This web can lead to the subject giving you details that seem irrelevant to the question at hand. The other reason people give to much information while telling a lie is that liars often can not stand the silence. Long pauses and silence in the conversation/questioning seem like an eternity to someone who is trying to hide something. These brief times can make the person being questioned feel more than uncomfortable.

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