Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Avoid Obstacles While Filing a Disability Insurance Claim

Workers that make disability insurance claims, often have to deal with different obstacles, before they can receive any kind of payment. The reason they have to jump through all these different hoops is the increase in insurance fraud cases. Insurance fraud cases, and people who commit them, are making it difficult for the honest policy holders to get payments for their claims.

Claim Hurdles

Some of the obstacles that are present in the whole claim process are unavoidable, but there are some that can be avoided. Following is a list of hurdles you will likely face when you go to make a disability claim:


The biggest obstacle in your way is misinterpretation of the terms and regulations that your insurance policy has. This can easily be avoided by speaking to your insurance company’s representative if you have any queries about your policy or disability claim. Make sure that you do this before you file the paper work for the claim, to avoid any inconveniences.

Claim Delay

This is one of the unavoidable obstacles mentioned above; insurance companies sometimes employ ‘delay tactics’ when processing the disability claims of policy holders.

Completing Medical Documentation

Many claims are denied because their medical documentation is incomplete or isn’t properly filed. To avoid this, you have to be insistent with your physician about being meticulous about every medical document that he/she provides you with.


Insurance companies can choose to investigate a claim, if they are doubtful about it. They may even employ an insurance fraud investigation unit, like NSIU, which may or may not keep you under surveillance for insurance investigation purposes. But if you have the proper paperwork filed and your disability claims seems genuine, then it might not come to this at all.

Independent Examinations

Insurance companies may ask you to undergo a medical exam from an independent medical professional. You can deny it, but this will incur an investigation of your claim, which would be worst.

Subjective Symptoms

Injuries which have self-reported symptoms are the hardest to prove. It is up to you to overcome this obstacle, the best you can do is to have the right medical documents and comply with all the requests of the insurance company.
If you take every precaution possible, your disability claim should be processed smoothly and quickly. The information above can help you in this regard.

Company Introduction

National SIU (Special Investigation Unit) is a professional investigation firm that specializes in surveillance and other services specifically for risk managers and insurance professionals. The organization’s main goal is to provide their clients with effective evidence which can be used to uncover the truth.
For more information, please visit

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