In a 1996 University of Virginia study lead by Bella DePaulo they recorded a daily log of people age 18 to 71 in the amount of lies they told in a single day. For the 147 participants the average amount of lies they told were just over ten times a day. Of course in the study many of the lies were times where people were trying to be nice. Someone perhaps with a new haircut that looked "good". These types of lies outnumbered the outright denial of truth approximately 15 to 1. This still does not hide the fact that of the 147 participants only seven people could say they were completely honest.
So with this amount of lying going on how do you catch someone in a lie? In these next few blogs we will cover 8 different tips that you can key in on to catch someone in a lie. Now there is no perfect way of discovering if the person across from you is lying to your face or not. Even the polygraph (Lie Detector) only works about 80% of the time. The skilled liars may not "bat an eyelash" in a lie but for most of us there are certain things that give us away.
Tip#5 Something Is Just Not Right
This tip is especially for those of you who are trying to determine if your loved one is lying to you. Getting to know someone is a benefit of a good relationship (some might even say a byproduct). To be able to use tip number 5, you have to be familiar with the person you are questioning. In our essence we are creatures of habit, as much as we would like to believe that we love spontaneity and variety for the most part we find ourselves most satisfied it some type of routine. There are small variables that can help give us that feel of spontaneity but when it comes to the rigors of the day we typically follow a pattern. For example take a second to think about your last few mornings and see if you woke up around the same time and if you had breakfast before your shower or vice versa each day. 9 out of 10 of you would agree you tend to do the same order of events in the last three days.
This being said when questioning a loved one try to determine if something is just not right. When questioning the actions of someone you know well, always consider if that behavior or act or emotional state is the way they always are or have been in the past. "One of the most important indicators of dishonesty is changes in behavior" says Maureen O'Sullivan PhD. Eating habits, the way they dress, how long they stay at work, who they are hanging out with or stop hanging out with, working out more or less are some factors of change to look for. Bottom line is a good tip to start paying attention is when things begin to change for no apparent reason.
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