In a 1996 University of Virginia study lead by Bella DePaulo they recorded a daily log of people age 18 to 71 in the amount of lies they told in a single day. For the 147 participants the average amount of lies they told were just over ten times a day. Of course in the study many of the lies were times where people were trying to be nice. Someone perhaps with a new haircut that looked "good". These types of lies outnumbered the outright denial of truth approximately 15 to 1. This still does not hide the fact that of the 147 participants only seven people could say they were completely honest.
So with this amount of lying going on how do you catch someone in a lie? In these next few blogs we will cover 8 different tips that you can key in on to catch someone in a lie. Now there is no perfect way of discovering if the person across from you is lying to your face or not. Even the polygraph (Lie Detector) only works about 80% of the time. The skilled liars may not "bat an eyelash" in a lie but for most of us there are certain things that give us away.
Tip#6 Insincere Emotions
You may be able to fake an outward display of emotion like a smile or sad eyes but it is difficult for the body to pull these off in sincere fashion. Lets take for example the smile, now there are times people can fake a smile but you can notice the little tells that give the fake emotion away. The timing of the smile will be off, whether the smile is too early or being held to long. The smile can be blended with a different emotion. Perhaps the eyes and eyebrows have an angry look but the mouth will dawn the fake smile.The natural smile is relaxed and the mouth and lips are full and bigger. In the faked smile the lips tend to be smaller and less full.
Unfortunately for the liar the body usually goes where the mind and emotion takes it and insincere emotions are highlighted by the body and emotions not being in sync. So the next time you are wondering whether or not the person you are talking to is lying or not, take a look at the emotion they want to portray and the emotion that the body is emanating.
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